Heyyy y’all!!! It’s been wayyyy too long since I have written a post, but your girl has been over on IG sharing and getting into The Reels game. You know leveling up in all areas is something I’m really tapping into, including how I create content, but that’s a story for another day, lol! But […]
Author: Jamai
Heyyy!!! Spring is here and that means it’s time to add some more greenery in my home! I loved becoming an official “Plant Mom” during our quarantine period! The different shades of green in my plants and the process of watching the flowers bloom is just so cool. I love how plants just bring a […]
Alright y’all so Meditation… what’s your thoughts? Well for me Guided Meditation has been a part of my daily routine for some time and I love it. It started about 6 years ago when I was going through a “growing phase”. In retrospect, I was in a career and personal space where I wasn’t really […]
What’s your skin care routine? I’m asking for me, lol!!! Over the last few years my skin has just been going through so many changes. Some of my friends have always been pretty regimented about their routines and honestly I go through phases. I’ll be really consistent for a few months and then deviate. However, […]
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I think I have a few more days to still say that, lol. I want to start out by saying “Momma I made it”…out of 2020! But seriously last year has provided me with so much perspective, highlighted the importance of gratitude and just reaffirmed why I started this blog! So many […]
Heyyy everyone!!! I hope the week is starting out well. I shared on IG that the next few post here would highlight some of the projects that I have worked on, am working on or planning to work on since the whole COVID-19 pandemic began. Lol! It’s been a lot of hard work but the […]
Hey sis!!! When I first created this blog I was intentional in not making this a “personal blog” because that’s not my lane. This blog is not about me but rather about sharing lifestyle topics that are of interest and relatable to my readers. However with that being said I am a black woman, so […]
Hey sis! Normally around this time many of us would either be booking our travel plans or looking at the countdown calendar for the start of our summer vacations. Well since full out travel for Summer 2020 is probably canceled let’s talk about our favorite places that we have visted in the past. To date, […]
Heyyyyyy!!! Welcome to the very first post on, What Makes Me Happy Now! I was contemplating removing this standard title of “Hello World”, but I felt it pays homage to the blog world, so it stays. Lol! Before we even go any further lets first do a sister friend check-in… How’s everyone doing? Are you […]