W e l c o m e

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Welcome to “What Makes Me Happy Now”!!!

So often we find ourselves chasing the next idea, working on the next promotion, trying to be the best in everything …whether that’s as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, entrepreneur and everything else under the sun that we forget to enjoy the moments.

None of us knows what may happen in 10 years, 5 years or let’s keep it real we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Which is why it’s so important for me to highlight what makes me happy right now!!! Sometimes that may be travel, trying a new restaurant, self care activities, reading a good book or just having a seat and relaxing.

Does this mean I just walk around with my head in the clouds…of course not. When I have a rough day I acknowledge it but I still try to find some source of happiness even if I have to go back to an old memory.

Join me as we create a platform to celebrate those happy spaces.

